Solving ALL 4 Karakuri Cube Boxes – Same Look, Different Secrets

Karakuri Cube Box

Karakuri Cube Boxes are 4 Japanese puzzle boxes from Karakuri. They all look the same on the outside, but each one works differently.

They’re made by a group of skilled puzzle craftsmen from Japan, Karakuri, who make a wide range of beautiful, high-quality puzzle boxes.

These 4 are among the cheapest puzzles they sell, so they’re a good entry point to their range. I’ll attempt to solve all of them today!

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Cast Vortex Review (Worst Puzzle. Ever.)

cast vortex

For me puzzles are more than a hobby.

They are a tool to build a strong mindset, training your brain, and filling it with creativity.

And still this puzzle is an absolute disaster.
If I could change one thing in my life – I would delete this puzzle from existence.

If I could decide if I want to be born or not, knowing that I’ll try this puzzle – I’d rather not be born.

Because this puzzle is an absolute waste of space, of metal, of packaging, of time and of mental health.

Continue reading “Cast Vortex Review (Worst Puzzle. Ever.)”