Greg Puzzles Has Launched!! – My Biggest Puzzle Project

Hey there, readers old and new! It’s finally here, my place to share the greatest puzzles in the world – for both seasoned and beginner solvers alike – MY OWN PUZZLE STORE! – GREG PUZZLES has officially launched!

Galette Puzzle
Galette by Osanori Yamamoto. Brand – Greg Puzzles

Why I Opened Greg Puzzles

As a lifelong puzzle lover, I’ve always found joy in the challenge and satisfaction that comes from solving a puzzle. Over the years, I’ve noticed a major gap in the market – the best puzzle designs are usually created in small batches, and after being sold out they can never be bought again. Due to this, they’re usually pretty expensive, that is – IF you found one to buy. This a-ha moment led to the creation, and curation of the Greg Puzzles, and of its puzzle range.

Over the years of being a content creator I’ve developed a taste for puzzles – but also, I saw what people like, and what they like less thanks to my videos. Sadly, many times when I showed a really cool puzzle – no one could buy it due to the nature of puzzles.

I wanted to change that. So I contacted some of the world’s most brilliant designers, and started developing the range of puzzles for the store.

Combining efforts with my friend and longtime puzzle content creator, Puzzle Guy, who takes care of our production, we started developing a range of puzzles for people around the world to enjoy.

Greg Puzzles’ Curation Philosophy

Some puzzles can be really hard. But a hard puzzle isn’t necessarily a good one.

Other puzzles can be easy, but an easy puzzle doesn’t mean it’s fun.

There’s a fine line between a puzzle being engaging to a puzzle that is just too much to grasp, but the puzzle I found best are puzzles that are simple-looking, misleading, and have a smooth a-ha moment.

These a-ha moments feel different in every puzzle. But this moment defines what I aim for in our puzzle range – I’m looking for puzzles that have jaw-dropping a-ha moments, fun logical progressions and beautiful mental challenges – seemingly impossible at times, and requiring a quantum jump in your understanding of the puzzle.

They may look easy, but more often than not, the biggest challenge of my puzzles is inside the solvers head. I kinda it like when they get inside people’s head.

Who’s Greg Puzzles For?

But while these puzzles can be tricky to figure out, they aren’t designed to devastate people’s minds. They are designed to be the perfect experience for people who aren’t necessarily puzzlers – being interesting and aesthetic at the same time – making them some of the most unusual gifts a person can buy for their loved ones. Due to the nature and rarity of these gifts, I can assure you no person in the world has ever bought them the puzzles you’ll see on Greg Puzzles – because the main line of my puzzles is not available anywhere else, AND our versions are unique and exclusive!

How Was Greg Puzzles Made Possible

As you may know, I’m not a puzzle designer. Well, I designed one puzzle. But I’m still not a full-fledged-ultra-serious-puzzle-designer. I’m just a dude who likes puzzles and people.

So how did I manage to get such amazing on the store, you ask?

Simple – I collaborated with some of the world’s most brilliant puzzle designers, both supporting the cause of spreading awesome puzzling goodness to the world, while also supporting the art of puzzle design and mind trickery.

I am especially grateful to our first design partners, Yasuhiro Hashimoto, Osanori Yamamoto, Alexander Magyarics and soon to be added – Frederic Boucher and Goh Pit Khiam. I’m sure this is just the beginning of the impact we’re going to make in the world, and the store wouldn’t be possible without their permission and collaboration.

How Can You Support Greg Puzzles

If you’re reading this, whether you’ve read my blog and saw my content since the beginning of Puzzle Wanderer, or you’re a first-time reader, here’s what you can do –

If you collect puzzles yourself, check out what we have in store, because some of these gems aren’t available anywhere else – and they’re 100% worth a shot.

But, if you’re looking to hook your friends on puzzles, or even buy a nice gift – then I highly recommend you to check out the 4L Puzzle or Galette Puzzle. These innocent-looking puzzles are simple enough for anyone to understand and will provide a beautiful challenge with a series of a-ha moments.

4L puzzle
4L by Yasuhiro Hashimoto

Thank You

This project would not be possible without the massive help and support of all my partners over the years – the biggest shoutouts go to Puzzle Master and Crux Puzzles, and more shoutouts go to some niche puzzle stores (you know who you are, much love brothers) – and last but not least and probably the most significant of them all – you, the readers – for if you weren’t supporting, reading, sending messages and interacting with me over the last 4 years! – nothing of this would’ve been made possible.

Thank you.