Limited Edition Hyrule Crest Puzzle by Hanayama

Today I’ll solve the Limited Edition Hyrule Crest Puzzle by Hanayama. If you love Legend of Zelda, you might enjoy this puzzle adaptation!

The Hyrule Crest Puzzle Solved

The History Of The Hyrule Crest

The Hyrule Crest is a powerful and enduring symbol of the royal family of Hyrule, representing the kingdom’s strength, wisdom, and courage. At its center is a majestic Triforce, embodying the divine powers granted by the goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore. Above it, a fierce loftwing spreads its wings, signifying protection and connection to Hyrule’s ancient skyward origins. This iconic emblem appears on shields, banners, and royal garments throughout The Legend of Zelda series, serving as a reminder of Hyrule’s noble legacy and its unyielding stand against the forces of darkness.

The Hyrule Crest Puzzle

The limited edition Hyrule Crest Puzzle by Hanayama is a metal puzzle in the shape of the Hyrule Crest from The Legend of Zelda. The puzzle is made of metal pieces and metal chains, holding the Triforce in the middle, with small Triforces at the end of each chain.

This series of puzzles makes so much sense because in the games there are plenty of puzzles and adventures – making this a brilliant choice for both parties – Nintendo and Hanayama alike.

Your goal is to remove the Triforce from the Hyrule Crest, and then to put it back together (by far the hardest part)

For a level 4 Hanayama, The Hyrule Crest for me was the hardest puzzle to solve, mostly because I’m really bad at disentanglement puzzles. Unlike the Triforce or Master Sword puzzles, I wasn’t too familiar with other puzzles of this kind. The pieces, as always with Hanayama, are of great build quality and finish. The length of the chains in this one make it a little difficult to work with, which I find stressful, but some people might enjoy it.

Either way, I’d choose this over most other disentanglement puzzle for the Zelda theme 🙂

Hyrule Crest Puzzle Solution

How to solve the Hyrule Crest Puzzle?

Watch the full solution of the Hyrule Crest in the video on this page.

Where To Buy The Hyrule Crest Puzzle?

Get the Hanayama Zelda Hyrule Crest Puzzle at Crux Puzzles (and use my limited coupon GREG10 for 10% off)