The puzzle community is a large portion of the fun in puzzling. I always loved people in the puzzle community – they are great people with great intentions.
But even among those great people there are some that really stand out.
One of them is Mark Kaufman from USA.
Mark is a man whose name is well known in the community. One of his hobbies is surprising members with fully packed puzzle mystery boxes!
One time, as I was browsing the community discord, I saw a message from Mark to everyone in which he said he’s going to send some packages for freebies. I, as the puzzler in heart, immediatly asked him if I could be included in the project – I had no idea what was going to arrive, but I’m sure he did some quality research about my puzzle preferences. When I opened the package – I had a child’s smile on my face.

Do you see the two Interlocking puzzles at the back? They’re made out of Jenga blocks! Designed by Haym Hirsh.
In the pic – back row: Jenga3 by Minis
Shift3 by Minis
middle row:
Russian Doll Maze in a Maze in a Maze
two 6 board burrs, no name
front row:
777 Burr
Three Cubes by Kohno Ichiro
Hanayama Cast Delta
Some of these Mark made himself – the 777 Burr, Jenga puzzles by Minis and Three cubes. Great puzzles.
Mark – enormous thanks for the present. Much appreciated!
Every beginner puzzler can learn a lot from puzzle communities, and get to know cool people from all around the world. And sometimes – the people are the reason this hobby is amazing.
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