Revomaze Blue Review

Yo what is up guys it’s Greg with the first quick review on the Puzzle Wanderer YouTube channel. As a start I picked a puzzle that started it all for me.

Yes!! It’s a Revomaze Blue review – but not a usual one.

Since there’s some big changes going on in Puzzle Wanderer.

I’m trying to constantly evolve, and to make better content for you.

What that means is – new platform, new format, new almost… everything.

Don’t worry, the core values of Puzzle Wanderer remain the same – Informative, fun, and spoilerfree.

Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe!

If you prefer a written review, keep on reading below!

This puzzle got my attention when i just started puzzling. I was reading written blogs and stumbled upon a puzzle called –

The Isis Orb.

I read all about it on the internet but then I saw something interesting.

Surprisingly enough, one blog said –

“Don’t buy the Isis Orb, go buy a Revomaze instead”

So I went on and I read everything I could about Revomaze now.

Shortly after that I got my first two Revomazes – Orange and Lime.

I loved them from the start, and I still do now.

Revomaze Blue

To be fair, I didn’t get blue until recently because I started with the more advanced, high tier Revomazes.

You see, Revomazes are unique in their progression. Solving one leads to better understanding of the internal mechanics, but some of them cannot be really solved without solving different, easier Revomazes beforehand.

If you do manage to solve one of the more advanced Revomazes before an easier Revomaze, all the easy Revomazes will become much, much more easier for you to do.

Not only that – they will also be a little less fun!

You’re better off solving them in order of difficulty.

Blue is a really hard puzzle, but it’s still a tier 1 Revomaze. What that means is that you can start with it. You can also start with Aqua or Turquoise.

How Does It Work?

Let me briefly explain the internal mechanism.

Firstly, Revomaze is made of two main parts – one is the sleeve and the other is the core. There is a maze cut into the core in different depths, while inside the sleeve is a spring-loaded pin that’s pushed into the maze constantly. Navigate the maze by twisting, pulling or pushing the core.

Secondly, here’s the cool thing –

Because of the spring, if you go from a high layer to a lower layer, you won’t be able to go back!

It’s a trap!!!

Blue was the first Revomaze ever made.

It was the easiest, until people complained that it was a bit too difficult. As a result, Chris Pitt designed and made Aqua.

Made of brass, aluminum, and stainless steel, Blue is a high quality puzzle. Furthermore, good machining is crucial in its production, as small mistakes will make the puzzle inoperable.

Puzzling wise, Blue gives a HUGE return on investment. It will keep you occupied for a long time, and sometimes even if you know what you need to do – it won’t be straightforward.

But even though it’s a very hard puzzle, it’s possible to solve Revomaze Blue as your first Revo.

I can’t talk too much about the maze itself because we’re in NO SPOILER LAND.

Overall, I think it’s a good maze to start with if you’re experienced with puzzles, and if not then Aqua will be your best bet.


Blue is best for Champions – that is, experienced solvers.

Its puzzling value per price is great and solving it will give you an indication of whether you like the series or not so you can advance to more difficult puzzles.

They’re not for the faint of heart – but those who beat them are in for a treat.

That’s it for today folks! Thank you very much for tuning in and I’ll see you next time.

Don’t forget to use the coupon code RevoWanderer when ordering from the Revomaze shop to get 5% off your whole order.

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