Puzzle Wanderer is now Greg Gelf (Important Update)

Sooo excited to share this huuuuuge update for Puzzle Wanderer:

I’m on a mission to rebrand Puzzle Wanderer. Everything is going to change forever.

The End of Puzzle Wanderer

It’s been a wild 4 years.

For those of you reading and watching since day 1 – I’m eternally grateful. I owe you so much. Amazing things happened in my life all thanks to you.

Here’s the full story:

How Puzzle Wanderer Started

Covid, 2020. I was locked shut at home, instead of traveling in Japan as I planned.

After replaying my favorite games, reading Game of Thrones and doing anything I can really to pass my time – a stream of ADHD thought suddenly struck me as I remembered I had a Revomaze Silver Laying around.

I was stuck on that puzzle for 7 years, and after a back-and-forth with it for a few months / year, I left it waiting for me to solve it.

But during those Covid days, something peculiar happened:

I remembered the problem I needed to solve.

And my mind started processing it. It hurt my brain. Until I had this electric A-Ha! Moment.

I rushed to try my new idea.

And to my astonishment, it worked and the problem was solved. Shortly after – I have solved the puzzle.

And I was so extremely happy!

But then, I wanted to share my excitement, but there was no one who could understand…

And this was the trigger to what you read right now. This was the reason I started creating content.

I wanted to share my passion, enthusiasm and opinions with what I find interesting, fun and fascinating.

Why I Decided to Change Puzzle Wanderer

By late 2022, I accumulated 200K followers across social media posting about my favorite hobby – Mechanical Puzzles.

But I also finished my MBA in International Business and wanted to move away from home, to the big city – Tel-Aviv (which is also the most expensive city in the world)

My problem-solving gears started moving again.

The situation was fairly complex:

I wasn’t earning enough from the blog to sustain it on its’ own.

But it was my dream to make a living from creating content.

So I decided to start taking clients as a consultant, helping them grow on social media.

I thought that with my growth, I’ll have enough proof that I can help other people, and that would be my quickest way to build a sustainable business that uses the skills I enjoy implementing.

This, unexpectedly, became a roller-coaster ride for me. I encountered various situations, lost some, won some, and the experience was life-changing.

I served over 150 clients, but I worked my a** off. Really. I still do, in fact.

I have also started working with Nas Academy as an instructor, and met many new content creators thanks to that.

But all of this changed me.

Really did.

And the old happy-go-lucky Puzzle Wanderer vibe faded, as I felt my heart go tougher and tougher, and I just couldn’t keep being the same old me when the real me changed.

If I can’t be me online, why be at all?

The Slow Decay in Motivation

As time went by, I looked for ways to make the channel into my business. I hired editors, I paid for thumbnails, everything to make it earn more so I can justify spending more time on it.

But that didn’t work.

Slowly I had to switch my priorities towards my business, so I could feed myself, and live.

And all that while refusing to work in jobs, because I believe the more you try to solve a problem, the better you become and the closer you get to the solution. (same as with puzzles, eh)

Things finally started to look better, and I even found more time to create – until something unbelievable happened in my country.

The War in Israel

When your brothers and sisters are on a battlefield, it’s tough to think about puzzles.

Honestly, for 2 months I couldn’t even think about working at all. All I did was to help as I could to my country. My body was on hard-core survival mode.

But we’re not here to talk about the war – I’m sure you know already.

Puzzle Wanderer had to, again, go back and wait for the queue.

No time for you, Jeremy.

This continued for almost a year, until everything changed.

The Decision – Being True to the Past, or Future?

I was highly encouraged by my newly met girlfriend, Yuval, to create more content.

She saw some of my older videos and told me it’s a shame I don’t upload anymore.

And then I realized. I’ve been treating my content as a given.

It finally dawned on me.

I was handling depression all these years, that came and went with no warning.

Because when I actually made the content itself, I felt like I’m in my element.

But sometimes I would look back and think – is that really worth it?

Now I know. It wasn’t me talking.

I decided to move. To change. I knew that if I want to create a new chapter, I’ll have to fight my demons. I have to win the battle inside my head and heart.

This change happened thanks to amazing people I met this year, and a year of therapy.

But now, when my mind was clear, I was open for innovation.

A New Beginning – Meet Greg Gelf

When I analyzed the problem a bit more, I understood that I’m not feeling like myself anymore, as Puzzle Wanderer. I remembered a cheerful young-adult. But when I looked at myself back – I felt like this was a kid. Not me.

Me today is different. And I couldn’t fit inside the same character that was born 4 years ago, and force myself to be something I’m not.

Instead, I wanted to be myself. To be real, honest and authentic.

And the best way to do that – is to, well, be yourself.

It was a tough choice, knowing that many people may stop reading, watching and supporting me after this change. But most of you, my dear readers, supported even throughout the change. You believed in me, and some of you even told me you would stay here no matter what.

And that moved me, and helped me muster up the courage.

So I wrote my current values, beliefs and tried to condense my identity into a brand. A personal Brand.

And this is the pinnacle of my new creation – the new me:

It took me whole long time to make, but I’ve finally arrived to where I am today.

I’ll take this chance again, to thank you all. You are the reason this article even exists. You are the reason I get to create and do what I love and enjoy. Thank you.

I’m so excited for the new chapter.

Change is growth, and I’m happy to grow with you.

Have a good one,


Some Thanks:

Thank you Björn for upgrading the first PW Logo.
Thanks to the IPP for having me as part of the party.
Thank you to the Mechanical Puzzle Discord for having me.
Thank you to all the puzzle designers I have met and befriended.
Thank you to all the puzzle manufacturers and stores I have worked with.
And thank you to all the puzzle content creators that make this so much more fun.

There are so many of you it would probably take an hour to write all of your names.

So I’m sure you know 😉

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