Where’s My Hammer Puzzle Box Review

With today’s quick review I spiced things up a little for you guys.

It took me at least 24 hours in total to make this video.

Some boundaries have been broken to make this video better. Enjoy!

If you prefer a written review, keep on reading below.

Lately I’ve been drooling over this box… Just look at it. I tried to buy it but unfortunately, only 30 seconds after it aired on CubicDissection, it got sold out completely.

This copy isn’t mine though – it’s my friend Tom’s. Thanks bro – I appreciate that!

Tom gave Where’s My Hammer to me to play with and to be honest, at first I wasn’t sure if I want to review it or not. Keep reading, I’ll explain why!

This box, Where’s My Hammer by Dee Dixon, a.k.a DEDWoodCrafts, is so rich and has so much flavor in its design. This particular copy was made by him and distributed by Eric Fuller.

Where’s my hammer is a sequential discovery puzzle box and that means there is a hidden compartment you need to access in some way, but that’s up to you to discover.

Part of the fun with these puzzles is the build quality – and this one has it all.

I can say for sure that this is a really well made puzzle box, extremely accurate and satisfying to play with.

Then why wasn’t I sure if I want to review it or not?!?

Well that’s because I’m not completely sold on the solution.

Where’s My Hammer is Imperfect!

Where’s My Hammer is hard.

But for the wrong reason.

Some steps in it are very cool, I’ll give you that.

  • Well hidden,
  • Well executed,
  • Challenging,
  • And pretty fun.

But there’s one step that I hated!!

In fact, I hated it so much… I usually don’t hate on puzzles but this step really turned me off.

Other than that, the sequential discovery was intriguing and, perhaps even unique.

Because of that, this puzzle is best for…

Hunters – hardcore collectors.

It is a beautiful piece of puzzle art, and I’d keep it to show it off to people.

If that step wasn’t there, I’d say that Where’s My Hammer is a Champion’s (experienced solver) puzzle because it gives a lot of puzzling value, and it’s pretty safe to say that it’s difficult.

However, in the way it is now I find that the most value is concentrated around build quality, craftsmanship and collectibility.

And here’s why I wasn’t sure if I want to do this review:

To be honest with you guys, I’m still not comfortable reviewing puzzles I’m not hundred percent sold on. But that’s part of the game.

So if you do like this kind of reviews too let me know in the comments and please subscribe to my Youtube channel because that helps me out a lot.

Anyway thanks for tuning in folks and i’ll see you guys next time!

Where’s My Hammer won’t be sold on Cubic Dissection in the foreseeable future, but you can occasionally find it on Dee’s Etsy store.

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