Boaz Feldman‘s B-Lock puzzle series are deceptively simple lock puzzles – said to be great for beginner puzzlers.

So I gave one B-Lock puzzle to one friend, and one B-Lock 2 puzzle to another friend – to solve in 10 minutes.

I’ve taken extra care to edit out the solution and even the smallest spoilers. Enjoy !!

Usually, I add the written version of the video here.

But, adding a written version here will not convey the idea of the video well enough,

So instead, I’ll share some experiences and personal thoughts about these two great Lock Puzzles. Read them after you finish watching!

My Thoughts About the B-Locks

After I uploaded this video, I showed the B-Lock 2 to more of my friends. It’s a sturdy lock, so I could confidently pass it over to tens of people. No worries!

And guess what?

They had a blast!

I was surprised by the amount of interest this lock puzzle received!

It’s a great conversation starter, and a good puzzle even for those who didn’t touch a single puzzle in their entire life.

Needless to say, I got a lot of value out of it. And my friends did too.

Solving it doesn’t prepare you for its brother, the B-Lock 1.

I couldn’t solve B-Lock 1 myself before I took this video.

And when Bar solved it in less than 2 minutes, I was completely shocked.

Clever, ingenious, unbelievable.

The solution, that is.

It can’t be shared as much as B-Lock 2 though… Although it stands on its own with a creative solution.

To summarize – if I had to pick a favorite, it’d be B-Lock 2 – because I really enjoy passing puzzles around.

You can buy them here!

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