Can My Friend Solve His First Puzzle ???

I surprised my hilarious friend Nathan with a mystery puzzle to pick out of two puzzles.

He has to SOLVE the one he chooses! This was an extremely fun video to make (and edit) and I’m happy you guys can watch and enjoy it.

This video right here has no substitute. You have to watch it!

But for your efforts, and especially for you, dear, rare website reader – I’ll make a quick write-up about the puzzles I picked for Nathan.

I confronted Nathan with two puzzles.

The first is Waiter’s Tray by Jean Claude Constantin, and the second is Locked Sword by Andrew Crowell.

Both being relatively easy to understand – I thought it will be a good idea to challenge him with them.

So while I can’t explain what happened in the video cause that’ll ruin it + I won’t tell you which one he picked (albeit blindly),

I will overview these two puzzles quickly.

Waiter’s Tray by Jean Claude Constantin

An n-ary puzzle I bought on my travel to Prague, the Waiter’s Tray is a simple n-ary puzzle with a similarly simple goal –

Remove the long piece.

It’s one of the easier N-ary puzzles from JCC, but a very enjoyable one to understand and play around with.

I am very fond of it although I’m not thoroughly content with it’s physical looks. It’s made from laser-cut wood and is relatively cheap though!

A great Wanderer puzzle!

Locked Sword by Andrew Crowell

The value is strong with this one!

One of Andrew’s many interlocking puzzles, the “Camelot-style” sword is a creation of his innovative design skills.

It’s like a burr, but only one piece is removable – the sword.

Paired with high-quality 3D printing, this is a great beginner puzzle (although not the easiest beginner puzzle there is).

The Locked Sword is a part of the similar-functioning puzzle series he designed.

Last Words

I hope you enjoyed this quick read.

Please don’t tell anyone I wrote this for you. I usually don’t do that, so let this be our secret 😉


All music in this video was made by Nathan 😀 – buy it here to support his passion.
Check him out on Spotify.

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