I Was In Puzzle Heaven And Lived To Tell About It

I can still smell puzzle heaven.

The smell of wooden premiumness.

The smell of acrylic packingness

It was burrilliant. (sorry pun intended Imma head out now)

We had a meetup on a sunny Friday evening.

Of course, being the Puzzle Wanderer I am, I had to take some footage and compile it into a fun puzzle montage video.

I tried my best to convey the feeling of overwhelming puzzle presence – you will be the one to judge.

There were so many interesting puzzles there,

I had an opportunity to show off some of my new acquisitions, like the new Cuplik from My friend Cristian Poliziani, Cast Dice by Hanayama,

Or the Key&Keyway Cube by John Kelly.

A certain Israeli puzzle designer got really enthusiastic about the Key&Keyway Cube and immediately bought it after the meetup. I didn’t tell John about it yet but –

John, if you’re reading this you should know that your puzzle is a hit!

I got to try all kinds of puzzles that my friends Zohar and Boaz gave me to try, various packing puzzles from Zohar, and the newly released Free Me 7 by Joe Turner,

And saw and learned a very cool ring and rope magic trick that I might show you guys on Youtube sometime.

But best of all, I went home with a newly lent puzzle which turned out to be the ultimate puzzle. I’ve already shot a video of it so stay tuned for that!

If you don’t want to miss it consider subscribing to my Channel.

I’m eagerly waiting for another meetup!

A vision (puzzle heaven in 10 years)

This community, even though it’s not “new” per se, has a huge potential for growth.

Imagine a hall full of hundreds of puzzlers,

Like in a Comic-con,

But with puzzles only.

A Puzzle-Con.

I wonder how far it is from now, or if it is achievable. But if this post and video reaches at least one person who will then gain enough interest to try a puzzle himself,

My job here is done.

Big thanks to Eli and Galit from Gaya who hosted this meeting and for all who participated.

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