Why I Puzzle

This post will be a little different. Enjoy!




Did you ever consider how you spend your time?

Ever felt you were watching too much Netflix movies, spending too much time on social media? Wasting your time?

Well I did.

But I’ve made a change.

Losing Track

Most of the time, life goes on, and we, lost between every-day tasks, meals and events, lose track of our purpose.

Many people that do something routinely for more than a year forget why they did it.

Life goes on, without waiting for our answers.

And while we can let it go and lose our way, why would we?

Do we really want to waste all our time on something we don’t understand the meaning of?

Do we want to live our life this way?

Hobbies and Habits

Most of us don’t.

What we do with our time is often in our hands only, and our hobbies are a meal made of two courses – the first is time, the second – opportunities. We are the chefs.

This meal is our mental supply of energy.

Like in normal meals, we try to eat our favorite food when we can, and enhance our meals with fruits and vegetable.

And my favorite meal of the day is puzzling.

Let me tell you something about myself.

I love thinking.

Our intelligence is what makes us different from all other beings in our planet.

But our intelligence is bound to our brain, which functions as a muscle.

And if we don’t supply this muscle with regular training, it will weaken over time.

When we get into the race of life, it can sometimes get boring or repetitive.

Anyone experiences it from time to time.

My cure for this was, and is – puzzles.

I love learning, I love challenges, I love thinking.

Every time I’m solving a new puzzle, I feel like life has presented a new problem for me to solve.

And every time I solve a problem, my mind is getting stronger. And I’m feeling better.

Remember How it Feels…

Remember the last time you’ve binged Netflix, or stayed up too late to watch stories or new posts on social media platforms.

When I remember these times myself, I feel a ashamed.

Tell me this, then, dear reader –

How is it I never feel bad after a ridiculously long session of puzzling?

How can I feel content and whole after I binge puzzle-solving?

The answer – is what puzzling requires from us –


The Truth.

Living is not only the “eat – talk – sleep” cycle.

We can’t live a fulfilling life if we don’t have problems to think about. We don’t feel improvement if there’s nothing to improve.

You can say that I’m exaggerating, ranting, blabbering or whatever, it’s ok.

There’s just no other way for me to say this.

Without problems to solve, we’re not humans.

Without challenges to conquer, life just isn’t as interesting.

Without improvements to make, we’re just a perfect version of a machine.

And without thinking, how can we overcome any of the above??

This Is My Choice!

Life is amazing, and we can discover so much each day.

Life is amazing, because there’re interesting people to talk with,

Fantastic meals to eat,

Thought-invoking literature to read,

Civilizations to discover.

Life is amazing because we’re constanly facing new problems,

And conquering these problems gives us the best feeling in the world.

So here, dear reader, is my answer –

I puzzle to think;

I think to solve problems;

I solve problems to improve myself and my thinking;

I solve problems, but as a human, I fail miserably from time to time;

Puzzles are problems;

Puzzles are workout for our minds;

Puzzles are an endless adventure inside the human intelligence;

And puzzles are the proof we have a lot to learn and improve.

I puzzle because it makes me feel alive.

And I wish everyone could feel this way.

However you choose to achieve this feeling is fine.

But if you’re the type of person who likes thinking, challenges, learning and improving, well…

You’ve come to the right place.

Enjoy your stay.

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